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Investment Committee

The Investment Committee has overall responsibility for the operation and administration of the invested assets of the  Association.  The members of the Investment Committee are...

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The Investment Committee has overall responsibility for the operation and administration of the invested assets of the  Association.  The members of the Investment Committee are fiduciaries of the invested assets with respect to all responsibilities allocated to them.

The Investment Committee is charged with adopting periodically reviewing, and revising an Investment Policy Statement, subject to the Board’s agreement; monitoring the performance of investment funds in accordance with the Investment Policy Statement; reviewing, retaining or replacing investments held by IRUA and reviewing the backgrounds of Investment Committee members and staff to ensure that no conflict of interest exists.


The Committee shall consist of the current IRUA Treasurer, acting as Chairperson, and no fewer than two other members of the Board nominated by the Chair.  The committee may form subcommittees as it deems appropriate.  Subcommittees may be formed to address special projects for a limited period or may become standing subcommittees for a particular purpose.



Dwayne Elliott, American Agricultural Insurance Company 

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