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Honorary Members

The Following Persons Have Been Awarded Honorary Memberships

Honorary Memberships are conferred upon recommendation of the Board of Directors to individuals who have distinguished themselves by making outstanding contributions to the mission and goals of the Association.

Honorary Members shall not be required to pay dues, shall have no voting privileges nor be eligible for election to office or appointment to the Board. They may, however, be appointed to committees ex officio and invited to attend all IRU meetings. Honorary members shall be subject to reconfirmation annually by the Board of Directors at the regular meeting held closest to the Annual Meeting. 

Norb Berg
Francis V. Bigley, Jr.
James A. Brost
Enus Burigana
Daniel Burke
W. Lockwood Burt
Robert A. Calinoff, Esq.
Mark W. Christie
Donald Cole
Robert E. Evans, Jr.
Edward Gschwind
David E. Gustafson
Richard Haskins
Kenneth Johnson
Anthony Joseph
Robin Kelly
Arlene Kern
Gary Kreuger
Claude C. Lilly
Robert Lippincott, III
Candace Magee
Julie McLoughlin
Virgil Maxwell
K. Scott Norris
Gordon Olver
Anthony Przybyszewski

Brian Quinn
Gerald Radke
Robert C. Reinarz
John N. Reinman
Merrill Russell
William “Bill” Rutledge
Robert Van Sant
Kevin Shea
Michael C. Sowa
Paul Walther
Jeremy R. Wallis