JOR Special Cyber Edition

September 13th, 2016

For the first time in the history of the Association, the IRUA as dedicated an entire issue to one topic — Cyber.  Authors and articles include:  Proceed with Caution: Cyber Ahead by Kara Owens, Global Head of Cyber at TransRe; Big Data, Big Chances: Effectively Securing Technology, Data and People by Mark McLaughlin, Global Insurance Director at IBM; Cyber Risk Exposure as It Concerns Data & Actuarial Modeling by John Ferrara, Senior Manager, Ernst & Young and Cyber Risk and The Evolution of Supply Chains by Oliver Brew, Head of Cyber Risk and Head of International Professional Liability Technology Liability and Cyber Risk at Aspen Insurance.

This e-publication is sent to all members quarterly and is available by subscription to non-members, this special edition is a Free JOR Sample.  For more information about the Journal of Reinsurance (JOR), contact J. Wallis at