Wednesday, November 6, 2024
12:00 – 1:00 pm (EST) – Presented Via Zoom
Guest Speaker
Frank DeMento, Esq.
Trans Re
Our classic Reinsurance Audits session will again focus on practical and useful insights on how and why to perform thorough claims audits from a Reinsurer’s perspective. Frank DeMento, Esq. of Trans Re is an experienced industry professional for whom auditing is a significant part of his work and he will provide an up-to-the-minute expose of current practices, strategies, and value added input.
Registration Fees:
Members: IRUA Corporate Member Professionals – $85
IRUA Individual Members: (Not Associated with an IRUA Member Company) – $85
Non-IRUA Members: – $115
Connection Details will be emailed the day prior to the meeting to all registered attendees. The Sharing of connection information/links and/or presentations from IRUA webinars is strictly prohibited
Registration For Members: The non-member rate is set as the default rate. You must be logged in as a member in order to receive the member rate. If you are unsure if your company is an IRUA member, please see the “crawler” on our website homepage that features all IRUA member companies.
For any registration issues, please contact Maria Sclafani at