February 24, 2021: Reinsurance Casualty Underwriting Audits

Start Date/Time:
02/24/2021 12:00 PM
End Date/Time:
02/24/2021 1:00 PM
Virtual via Zoom
New York, NY United States

February 24, 2021  ♦  12:00 pm – 1:00 pm  ♦ Powered via Zoom

Guest Speaker
Lewis Paul

This virtual seminar is geared to all levels of experience on conducting casualty underwriting audits of ceding companies.  We will cover areas including pre-audit preparation, key areas of focus during the audit, and wrap up strategies.  Your presenter has 45 years of reinsurance underwriting and executive management experience; and managed the underwriting audit team at PartnerRe for 18 years before retiring at the end of 2020.  He is now acting as a consultant on reinsurance underwriting and providing underwriting auditing services.

Registration Fees:
IRUA corporate member professionals – $75
IRUA Individual Members: (not associated with an IRUA member company)- $75
Non-IRUA members – $95

Please Note: Before registering and if you are not sure if your company is an IRUA member, please see the “crawler” on our homepage that features all IRUA member companies.

Registration For Members: The non-member rate is set as the default rate. You must be logged in as a member in order to receive the member rate.

First Time Registrants: If you are registering for an event for the first time and are from a member company, please email Jerry Wallis: jwallis@irua.org or Maria Sclafani: mcs@irua.org to be set up as a member so that you can log in and receive the member rate. Once logged in, the system will identify you as being from a member company and the non-member rate will automatically change to the member rate.