August 31, 2021: All About Reinsurance Structures

Start Date/Time:
08/31/2021 12:00 PM
End Date/Time:
08/31/2021 1:00 PM
New York, NY United States

August 31, 2021 ♦ 12:00 – 1:00 pm Eastern

In this webinar, Duane Hynes, Vice President of Holborn Corporation,  will review the various forms of reinsurance, including net and gross quota share and surplus treaties in proportional reinsurance, and Risk XL, Cat XL and Agg XL treaties in non-proportional reinsurance. He will discuss why ceding companies buy these reinsurance structures as well as the differences between facultative and treaty.
This event is geared to an intermediate level of experience and so is suitable for all.

Registration Fees:
IRUA corporate member professionals – $75
IRUA Individual Members: (not associated with an IRUA member company)- $75
Non-IRUA members – $95

Please Note: Before registering and if you are not sure if your company is an IRUA member, please see the “crawler” on our homepage that features all IRUA member companies.

Registration For Members: The non-member rate is set as the default rate. You must be logged in as a member in order to receive the member rate.

First Time Registrants: If you are registering for an event for the first time and are from a member company, please email Jerry Wallis: or Maria Sclafani: to be set up as a member so that you can log in and receive the member rate. Once logged in, the system will identify you as being from a member company and the non-member rate will automatically change to the member rate.